Home Global Scinco Taiwan
SCINCO has established branches in China, and Taiwan, and has laid a strong foundation in this field.
SCINCO is a top-ranking analytical instruments company around the world. Our branded products have sold over 60 countries all over the world.

SCINCO TAIWAN was established in November 2008.

In 2008, SCINCO set up a branch in Taipei Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the most important markets in industry, science, and economy in Asia. In the meantime, SCINCO also established the regional office in Tainan important city in the southern region of Taiwan so they can improve and promote the efficiency of management and customer services for the entire region of Taiwan. Due to the outstanding performances of our products, SCINCO TW swiftly laid a staunch foundation in Taiwan.
In addition, SCINCO TW and China’s branch can provide the best quality of products and services for customers in the Great China area including Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong.
SCINCO is not only in charge of the development and manufacture of its own products and marketing, but it also signs Taiwan’s exclusive rights of FT-IR / Raman / UV-VIs products with Thermo. SCINCO’s products and the world’s leading brand Thermo together provide our customers better.
SCINCO also signs Taiwan’s exclusive rights with DISTEK (Dissolution Tester), CILAS (Particle Size Analyzer), PIKE (FT-IR Accessory), and Thomas Scientific (Delivering Quality Scientific Supplies), which makes Scinco TW enters into a broader market.


2022.03 Acquired the distributor right of Thermo Pharma Handheld Analyzers Products in Taiwan
2022.05 Acquired the distributor right of Memmert Products in Taiwan
2022.07 Established SCINCO TAIWAN Taichung office in order to provide the more efficiency support of Sales
2018.06 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of PhotoThermal Spectroscopy Corporation Products in Taiwan
2018.07 Acquired the distributor right of Bruker Nano Inc. (Nano IR) Products in Taiwan
2015.03 Acquired the distributor right of Bruker Daltonik GmbH(MBT) Products in Taiwan
2015.05 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Anasys Instruments, Inc. Products in Taiwan
2014.04 Acquired the distributor right of L&C Science and Technology, Inc Products in Taiwan
2014.09 Acquired the distributor right of Leica (Leica Microsystems (SEA) Pte Ltd) Products in Taiwan
2012.01 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Fluigent S.A. Products in Taiwan
2012.07 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of PTi (PHOTON TECHNOLOGY INTERNATION, INC.) Products in Taiwan
2011.03 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Theratest Products in Taiwan
2011.04 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Thomas Scientific Products in Taiwan
2010.10 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Apricot Designs Products in Taiwan
2009.01 Employment the local staffs who has a many years analysis instrument field experience
2009.01 Established SCINCO TAIWAN Tainan office in order to provide the more efficiency support of Sales, Service, and Application
2009.03 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Thermo FT-IR/Raman Products in Taiwan
2009.03 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of DISTEK Dissolution Tester Products in Taiwan
2009.05 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of CILAS PSA Products in Taiwan
2009.10 Acquired the exclusive distributor right of Thermo UV-Vis Products in Taiwan
2008.11 Established SCINCO TAIWAN
Company Information
Taipei Office
  • Adderss
    8F.-4, No. 200, Gangqian Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
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Taichung Office
  • Adderss
    Rm. G, 16F., No. 847, Sec. 4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan
  • Zip Code
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Tainan Office
  • Adderss
    8F.-3, No. 395, Sec. 1, Linsen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan
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