STA is an instrument which can work as DSC and TGA. It could measure the heat and weight change during the change of time or temperature.
.Temp range: -125~650℃
.Heating rate:0.1~100℃/min
.TGA sensitivity:0.1ug
.DSC sensitivity:1uW
.Weight range:0~400mg
1. To get the more stabilized weight reading by the horizontal position for samples
2. Unique smaller volume could change the temp easier
3. Connect to FT-IR or MS
4. High sensitivity design
5. Optional heat flux plate for more application
6. Optional cooling system and gas transferring system for more application
1. Decomposition temp. test
2. Multi component analysis
3. ASHtest
4. Oxidation test
5. Reaction gas affect to the material
6. moisture content and Volatile content
7. Enthalpy test
8. Glass heat transfer test
9. Crystallization heat test
10. Purity test