"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." The adage rings true in thermal conductivity characterization. It’s better to have options. C-Therm's Trident system offers four different modes of operation in measuring the thermal conductivity of materials MTPS, TPS, TLS and THW all in one modular package. Choose the right tool for your samples.
The MTPS high precision method is the simplest and most versatile.
The TLS Needle method provides maximum robustness for those sticky situations.
The Flex TPS method provides the greatest flexibility over experimental parameters with flex sensors.
THW is extremely fast and is commonly used in the automotive industry for coolants and other liquids.
.Thermal Conductivity Range:0.01 to 500 W/Mk
.Thermal Diffusivity Range:0.01 to 300 mm²/s* (calculated)
.Heat Capacity Range:Up to 5 MJ/m³K (calculated)
.Test Time:0.8 to 3s
.Thermal Conductivity Range:0.005 to 2000 W/mK
.Thermal Diffusivity Range:up to 1200 mm²/s (calculated)
.Heat Capacity Range:Up to 5 MJ/m³K (calculated)
.Test Time:10 to 180s
.Thermal Conductivity Range:0.1 to 6 W/mK
.Test Time:1 to 4 minutes
.Thermal Conductivity Range:0.01 to 2 W/mK
.Test Time:<1 second
.Fast, easy, and highly accurate. A single-sided, “plug & play” sensor suitable for testing solids, liquids, powders and pastes. No sample preparation needed Offers maximum sample versatility. Conforms to ASTM D7984.
.The TPS method employs a double-sided hot disc sensor to simultaneously determine thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity of materials from a single measurement. TPS provides the user with the greatest flexibility and control over experimental parameters. Conforms to ISO 22007-2, GB/T 32064
.Thin film utility for thin film sample
. Slab utility for isotropic and anisotropic )material.
.The TLS method employs a needle probe to characterize the thermal conductivity of viscous and granular materials. It is the most robust sensor for thermal conductivity testing. Conforms to IEEE 442-2017, ASTM D5930-17, ASTM D5334-22
.The THW method employs a thin platinum wire to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids, gels, and powders. Commonly used in the automotive industry, the THW can produce accurate results due to its fast test times limiting the effects of convection.
.Aerogels, Automotive, Batteries, Composites, Insulation, Explosives, Geological, Liquids, Metals, Nanomaterials, Metal Hydrides, Nuclear, Phase Change Materials (PCMs), Polymers, Rubber, Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs), Thermoelectric
.Cement/Concrete, Metal Sheets, Polymers, Porous Ceramics, & Thin Films
.Polymer Melts, Semi-Solids, & Soil.
(Not suitable for lower viscosity fluids due to convection.)
.Automotive fluids, non-conductive liquids, gels, and powders