The Distek Model 2500 RTD Dissolution System offers great flexibility and configurability. It can be configured as USP Apparatus 1, 2, 5 and 6 plus intrinsic dissolution. The extensive users, method and reporting storage capabilities are enabled by a brilliant touch screen. Patented wireless temperature sensors continuously monitor and display the in-vessel temperature for each vessel.
.Dissolution vessels:6 Vessels Standard (7 or 8 Optional)
.Volume:500-1000 mL Standard (100 - 2000 mL Optional)
.RPM Control Range:25 - 300 RPM, Digitally Controlled
.RPM Resolution:0.1 RPM
.RPM Accuracy:±1 RPM up to 100 RPM and ±1% >100 RPM
.Temperature Resolution:0.01°C
.Temperature Accuracy:±0.3°C
.Display:5.7” Color Touch Screen
1. Setting the height is done through a one-time adjustment and utilization of the interchangeable paddles and baskets.
2. Interchangeable stirring elements coupled with the automatic height adjustment provide a fast transition between Apparatus 1 and 2 without having to remove the shaft.
3. Can combine the UV/Vis system or auto sampler.
4. It can be configured as USP Apparatus 1, 2, 5 and 6 plus intrinsic dissolution.
5. Color touch screen display and setting user Management.
6. 100 sortable method storage and result storage.
7. Dissolution vessels volume:100 - 2000 mL.
8. Wireless temperature sensors control and monitor the temperature.
QC and RD test sample in Pharmaceutical factory.
Dissolution testing measures the extent and rate of solution formation from a dosage form, such as tablet, capsule, ointment, etc. The dissolution of a drug is important for its bioavailability and therapeutic effectiveness. Dissolution and drug release are terms used interchangeably.