TM-Sprayer™ MALDI Sample Preparation System is designed to provide the highest quality matrix deposition on 2D biological samples and can be integrated with any MALDI mass spectrometer platform.
.Deposition:linear or serpentine modes with variables offsets
.Spray Nozzle Flow:50 to 500 μl/min
.Sheath Gas:Ambient to 130°C (+/‐ 2°C), software selected
.Gas Supply:3-5 liter/min
.Spray Nozzle Position: mounted on Cartesian stage
.Size:41 x 38 x 33cm
1. Patented technology providing very small matrix droplets ( <20 microns)
2. Evaporation rate and matrix crystal formation can be controlled.
3. Validated protocols for most matrices and trypsin digestion
4. Continuous matrix coverage
5. Rugged operation and easy clean-up
MALDI Sample Preparation
Mass Spectrometry Imaging