For investigative researchers in analytical laboratories who need to quickly analyze large sample areas to extract chemical and physical information, the Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN10 MX is an integrated infrared imaging microscope engineered specifically for chemical imaging analysis. It delivers complete sample information, including compound distributions and physical properties from materials in complex matrices, while providing the speed, sensitivity, and resolution of traditional infrared microscopy.
.Spectral range: 7600~650cm-1
.Signal to noise ratio: 25,000: 1
.Spectral resolution: Better than 0.4 cm-1
.Spatial resolution: 10 μm
.Objective: 15×;0.7 N.A. permanently aligned
.Detector: DTGS / MCT / MCT-Array
1. Ideal for the analysis of microscope samples
2. Fully automated sample focus and Reflection/Transmission mode
3. Simultaneous view of sample while collecting data. Full view of the sample area with aperture positioned, even during collection.
4. Enables real-time identification of samples, while in preview mode
5. Built-in ATR pressure monitoring sensor device
6. Equipped with a motorized stage for mapping experiments
7. Upgradable to Nicolet iZ10 external module
8. With ultra-fast mapping
1. Qualitative and Quantitative analysis
2. Chemistry, chemical material analysis
3. Quality control, quality assurance
4. Defect analysis
5. Contaminant analysis
6. Microplastics analysis and identification