The flame photometers 8400 from A.KRUSS are used to determine the concentration of alkali and alkaline earth elements in aqueous solutions and are a simple and particularly cost-effective alternative to analysis techniques such as ICP or AAS.
.Accuracy:≤ 0.2 % CV over 20 results (random error, 1S-variance) with 10 mg/l Na-, K-, Li-, Ca- standard solution
.Combustion gas:Propane, Butane
.Display:TFT-Display with integrated 8,4“ TFT touchscreen
.Compliance with international standards such as GMP / GLP and 21 CFR Part 11
1. A.KRUSS Optronic presents to this day unique measuring devices for the simultaneous measurement of the elements Na, K, Ca and Li.
2. Simultaneous measurement of up to five alkaline and alkaline earth elements in aqueous solutions.
3. Fast measurement.
4. Keyboard and Mouse can be used.
5. Compliance with international standards such as GMP / GLP and 21 CFR Part 11.
Quality control in the pharmaceutical, chemical, beverage, food, salt and construction industries.