A.KRUSS density meters use the U-tube oscillator method and enable simple, fast and precise measurements of all flowable media. Due to the small footprint, an intelligent user interface as well as the conformity with many standards, our density meters are optimally tailored to a modern laboratory world.
.Measurement range:0.0000-3.0000 g/cm3
.Measurement accuracy:0.0001 g/cm3
.Sample volume in case of manual injection:0.9 mL
.Temperature control range:10-40 ℃
.Temp. measurement accuracy:±0.02 ℃
.Ambient temperature:10-40 ℃
1. A.KRUSS density meters use the U-tube oscillator method.
2. Display is equipped with a 4-stage indicator.
3. Compliance with GMP/GLP, 21 CFR Part 11 etc.
4. Design by compliance with ASTM D4052 and D5002.
5. Adjustment:Automatic (menu-driven), with dried air and distilled water.
Quality control and RD in the pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical industries.