The mIRage® IR Microscope uses a proprietary technique based upon Optical Photothermal IR (O-PTIR) spectroscopy, breaking the diffraction limit and bridging the gap between conventional IR microscopy and nanoscale IR spectroscopy.
.IR Range :
1850-800 cm-1
3600-2700 cm-1
.Raman Range:3900-200 cm-1
.Probe laser:532 nm
.Stage minimum step size:100 nm
.Stage x-y travel range:110 x 75 mm
1. Simultaneous IR and Raman microscopy
2. Submicron IR spatial resolution
3. Non-contact measurement
4. Little to no sample preparation
1. Defect identification
2. Microelectronics
3. Life Sciences
4. Geological sciences
5. Forensics
6. Polymer and Composites